Saturday 13 August 2016


Trade :-
The purchases and sales of goods and services by people and person is called trade. It is usually started as wholesale or retail trade and etc. it may be stated as local, regional, provincial or national trade. The former classification is based on volume of goods exchanged while latter is based on an area. There are many goods and services that are exchanged in the home market or another market. The goods nay be classified as consumer and industrial. Consumer goods consist of convenience, shopping, specialty and unsought goods convenience goods are include tooth paste candies tea sugar and milk. Shopping goods are costly and effort is made to buy it. Such goods includes televisions, refrigerators and cars. Specialty goods requires time and effort . such goods include silver wares health good, expensive cars and diamonds. Unsought goods are not known to consumers. At present these items may not be needed. Such goods include new product, unknown book and gravestone. The industrial goods consist of installation, accessory equipment, raw materials, fabricating materials and parts and operating supplies. All business such products are exchanged in the home trade. A product may include things services, place, person or an idea.

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